Jill Allison White
Associate Professor of Communications | Writing/ESL
Mrs. White holds degrees in Professional Writing and Applied Linguistics from DePaul University and the University of Illinois at Chicago, respectively. She has been a full-time professor of communications at Moody since 2007 and teaches College Writing, Research Writing, Speech/Communications, and Grammar for TESOL.
Professionally, Mrs. White has written news features for The Daily Herald, Streetwise, and the newspapers of Press Publications, along with articles for Power for Living, Scripture Press, and Flavor and Fortune magazine. She has also composed Web text pages and articles for Infra-Strategy and H1 visa profiles for an immigration law firm. Currently, Mrs. White’s extracurricular professional time is mostly devoted to editing textbooks for Integra Software, though she also taught at a teaching conference in Uganda in May of 2023.
For ten years, Mrs. White was the advisor for the Moody Standard student newspaper, a publication that gave students opportunities to write, design and produce a newspaper read by the whole Moody community. Now she is more focused on mentoring and supporting international students by designing ESL-focused versions of College and Research Writing.
Mrs. White and her husband have been married for 35 years, have two grown sons, a brand-new daughter-in-law, and a cranky, hypersensitive dog. They live on the South Side of Chicago.